A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 2 Python Python3 TDD testing compilers Oct 1, 2017 Updated on Aug 5, 2020
Refactoring with tests in Python: a practical example OOP pytest Python Python3 refactoring TDD testing Jul 21, 2017
A game of tokens: write an interpreter in Python with TDD - Part 1 pytest Python Python3 TDD testing compilers May 9, 2017 Updated on Aug 5, 2020
Clean architectures in Python: a step-by-step example OOP pytest Python Python2 Python3 TDD software architecture Nov 14, 2016 Updated on Sep 24, 2021
Python Mocks: a gentle introduction - Part 2 decorators OOP pytest Python Python2 Python3 TDD testing Sep 27, 2016
Abstract Base Classes in Python decorators metaclasses metaprogramming OOP Python Python2 Python3 Apr 3, 2016
Python Mocks: a gentle introduction - Part 1 decorators OOP pytest Python Python2 Python3 TDD testing Mar 6, 2016 Updated on Feb 27, 2019
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